App Developer Studio Apps

Sasol Soogdiere vir Beginners 1.0
Blitsfeite, foto's en video's van 46 Suider-Afrikaanse soogdiere.
Career App.tizer 1.0
The Career App.tizer is a careerexplorationtool aimed at high school learners! As the name suggestsit aims toget high school learners to start exploring differentcourses andcareers offered by the University of Pretoria (UP). TheCareerApp.tizer will introduce learners to their career interestswith anonline career interest survey; map their interests tocoursesoffered by UP and link courses to careers. In additionlearners canexplore additional careers on goStudy South Africa.Learners arealso able to enter their high school subject results,which areconverted into the Admission Point Score used by UP.Thisinformation is subsequently paired with the requirements ofcoursesand gives prospective students an indication of whethertheyqualify for the course or not. The app was developed by stafffromthe Department for Education Innovation together with studentsfromthe Department of Informatics at UP with funding from TheKresgeFoundation: Siyaphumelela programme.
Sasol Voëls vir Beginners 1.0
Blitsfeite, foto's en video's van 46 algemene Suider-Afrikaansevoëls.
Sasol Natuurlewe vir Beginners 1.0
Fast facts, photos and videos from 46 Southern African wildlife.
Bull Horns Panic Button 4.4.4
Shake you phone to get help for free in an emergency. Armedresponse on demand.
Snakebite First Aid Africa 1.5
Are you an avid hiker? Do you spend a lotoftime outdoors? Are you planning a trip out in the wild?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this appisfor you. This handy guide helps you identify the most dangerousandvenomous snakes in southern Africa, and gives you the correctandmost important first aid treatments to implement in the eventofsnakebite.Learn more about all 23 very dangerous (whose bites can befatal)and dangerous (whose bites can be painful, but not fatal)snakes inthe region, including spitting snakes, with multiplehigh-qualityphotos at different angles, location maps and succinctinformationabout their habits, habitats, and key identificationmarkers.Download this essential app. It may save your life!Key features•Key identification pointers for all 23 dangerous snakes insouthernAfrica, with information about where you might encounterthem•Multiple images for each snake, information about their habitsandhabitats and location maps for each species•Guidelines for preventing snakebites•Detailed first aid treatment for snakebite for each snake•Emergency contact numbers
Africa: Live Safari Sightings 3.1
WINNER: BEST TRAVEL APP IN AFRICA (VISA ANDSOUTH AFRICA TOURISM AWARDS 2014).Africa: Live helps you find and share real-time African animalsightings on your phone or tablet as well as generate data forconservation. It is a must-have for any African safari, whether toKruger or Addo, Serengeti or Pilanesberg.Our live safari sightings map shows you what animals are nearyou right now (as reported by over 40,000 other app users) andallows you to easily and immediately share your sightings withother safari goers or anyone watching the map around the world, aswell as for use in conservation research. You can easily add yourown sightings and photos directly and immediately to the map.Within the app you can purchase detailed offline maps of themajor parks in South Africa including: Kruger Park, Hluhluwe,Imfolozi, Pilanesberg, Addo Elephant Park, Kgalagadi, Madikwe,Marakele, iSimangaliso (St Lucia), Ndumo, Ithala, Gondwana anduMkhuze. These maps include 10,000KMs of tar, dirt and 4X4 trails,footpaths, waterholes, hides, viewpoints, picnic spots, gates andother points of interest.The app also includes (as an in-app purchase) the Phone RangerSafari Field Guide which has over 90 minutes of audio commentary bya leading ranger on the animals your likely to see on your gamedrives as well as hundreds of stunning photos including spoor,skulls, scat and distribution maps.The help section includes gate opening times and park contactdetails.FEATURES- The ONLY live map of Africa showing your location and thelocation of recent animal sightings.- Clickable, colour-coded markers showing sighting details,descriptions and a photo.- One-touch to add a sighting to the map yourself, includinguploading your own photo. NOTE: because of poaching issues, RHINOSIGHTINGS WILL NOT APPEAR ON THE MAP.- Detailed offline maps of major parks in South Africa (note: thisis an in-app purchase).- Phone Ranger Safari Field Guide which has over 90 minutes ofaudio commentary by a leading ranger on the animals your likely tosee on your game drives as well as hundreds of stunning photosincluding spoor, skulls, scat and distribution maps.- Live text stream of new sightings.- Search for sighting by how recent or species.-- Dynamic Q&A. If you're not sure what it is you're looking at,or what it is doing just ask us via the map and we'll answer (or ifwe can't, our Facebook friends will!).- Safari tips, contact details and lots more usefulinformation.- Contribute to our citizen-scientist research database: wecatalogue, analyse and will share sightings data with conservationbodies to support wildlife audits.Please note:- A desktop version of the map can be However performance of the desktop versionof this map will be highly limited on a mobile device.- The map and social media stream require phone network coverage tobe updated, although sightings can now be recorded with no phonenetwork using the offline maps. These will automatically beuploaded later.Offline maps cover: Kruger Park, Hluhluwe, Imfolozi,Pilanesberg, Addo Elephant Park, Kgalagadi, Madikwe, Marakele,iSimangaliso (St Lucia), Ndumo, Ithala and uMkhuze
Sasol Mammals for Beginners 1.0
Quick facts, photos and videos of 46 southern African mammals
Home Affairs Today 1.0
Home Affairs Today is an online newsletterthatthe Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba uses to stimulatediscussionon various issues with his Department’s officials andthe public atlarge. It’s a platform through which the Ministershares his visionof a new, transformed, highly professional andpatriotic HomeAffairs, and public service, geared efficiently andeffectively tomeet the needs of the people.Home Affairs Today serves also as an educational platformbywhich is raised positive developments to motivate publicservantsand insights to develop leadership in the context ofadevelopmental state that seeks to deliver a better life for all.Byspeaking directly to the Minister’s constituency, itassistsgreatly to report on those developments that may be, or mayhavebeen, ignored by the mainstream media.
Newman's Birds LITE 1.51
Perfect companion for birding in southern Africa. Based on thebest-selling book
WOZA Panic Button 19.0
A panic button app for use at your home and anywhere else in SouthAfrica.
ProTech Namibia 1.0.9
Allows you to instantly alert your community, security companyorthe police to come and help you. Ideal for use byCommunityPolicing Forums (CPF) and Neighbourhood Watches inNamibia. Sendsyour emergency contacts your location by SMS and,they can see yourexact location in real-time. You can also add andreceive localcrime and suspicious activity reports. This app onlyuses GPS anddata when it is open and being used. - in an emergency,youremergency contacts receive an SMS notification with yourlocation.We can also remotely track your location in real-time,even if youcan't speak or are on the move. - your phone will calltheemergency number you selected. - activate the panic with justonepress - receive notifications of crimes or suspiciousactivitiesnear to you. - easily report crimes and suspiciousactivities andautomatically notify people in your community. - viewcrimelocations and hotspots on a map. - allow us to track yourlocationif you are going into a situation you are nervous about. -recordaudio with one touch (to, for example, record anofficialsoliciting a bribe). - upload a "selfie" photo to recogniseyou inan emergency situation. - generate data to combat crime. ThisSOSapp works anywhere in the world and is free. Help deter crimebyutilising the power of the community to #crowdfightcrime.Frequently Asked Questions. Why does the app require allthesepermissions? Some app users are concerned about the numberofpermissions the app requires, which is especially obviousinAndroid 6 (Marshmallow). In general, the app only usesadditionalpermissions when the user initiates specific activitieswhere theseare required. Here are the specific examples of how ituses thepermissions: Contacts - When you add emergency contacts,you canselect them from your existing contacts. Location - Whenyouactivate the panic button or the “Follow Me” button, the appcantell your contacts and security company (if they partner withus)where you are. It is also used when you want to add homelocationor location of crime alerts. SMS - When you press the panicbuttonit will send an SMS to your emergency contacts showingyourlocation. It will also send SMSes to contacts when you cancelthealert. Phone - To make phone call to your emergency contactwhenyou press the panic button. Photos/Media/Files - So you can addaphoto of yourself (at registration) or a crime (when addinganalert). The app never does this in the background - youmustinitiate this. Microphone - To record audio when you pressthe“Record Audio” button only. Data - The main way the app usesdatais when you press the panic button or follow me button (to sendasmall data alert to the backend database), at registrationandadding crime alerts (to save details to the database), to usethemap (e.g. to find your home location or crime locations) or tousethe online shop. Identity - So Google Play knows who hasdownloadedit and so users can access across devices. Device ID andcallinformation - Device ID so we can synchronise your app detailsif,for example, you delete the app and re-install it. [email protected] if you have further questions.
AfriHub 10.1
AfriHub is a gamification platform to carry out market researchforRoche Management Centre South Africa. It is intended for thesoleuse of Roche employees and their appointed distributors.Theplatform will provide a single portal for both conductingresearchand reporting on the findings. Any unauthorized use of theapp isprohibited.
GuardMe360 1.1.4
Allows you to instantly alert your community, security companyorthe police to come and help you. As seen on nationaltelevision.Sends your emergency contacts your location by SMS andwe can seeyour exact location in real-time. You can also add &receivelocal crime and suspicious activity reports. This app onlyuses GPSand data when it is open and being used. - in an emergency,youremergency contacts receive an SMS notification with yourlocation.We (or your security company if they partner with us) canalsoremotely track your location in real-time, even if you can'tspeakor are on the move. - your phone will call the emergencynumber youselected. - receive notifications of crimes orsuspiciousactivities near to you. - easily report crimes andsuspiciousactivities and automatically notify people in yourcommunity. -view crime locations and hotspots on a map. - allow usto trackyour location if you are going into a situation you arenervousabout. - record audio with one touch (to, for example,record anofficial soliciting a bribe). - upload a "selfie" photo tohelp thepolice or your security company recognise you in anemergencysituation. - generate data to combat crime. FrequentlyAskedQuestions. Why does the app require all these permissions?Some appusers are concerned about the number of permissions theapprequires. In general, the app only uses additional permissionswhenthe user initiates specific activities where these arerequired.Here are the specific examples of how it uses thepermissions:Contacts - When you add emergency contacts, you canselect themfrom your existing contacts. Location - When youactivate the panicbutton or the “Follow Me” button, the app cantell your contactsand security company (if they partner with us)where you are. It isalso used when you want to add home location orlocation of crimealerts. SMS - When you press the panic button itwill send an SMSto your emergency contacts showing your location.It will also sendSMSes to contacts when you cancel the alert. Phone- To make phonecall to your emergency contact when you press thepanic button.Photos/Media/Files - So you can add a photo ofyourself (atregistration) or a crime (when adding an alert). Theapp never doesthis in the background - you must initiate this.Microphone - Torecord audio when you press the “Record Audio”button only. Data -The main way the app uses data is when you pressthe panic buttonor follow me button (to send a small data alert tothe backenddatabase), at registration and adding crime alerts (tosave detailsto the database), to use the map (e.g. to find yourhome locationor crime locations) or to use the online shop.Identity - So GooglePlay knows who has downloaded it and so userscan access acrossdevices. Device ID and call information - DeviceID so we cansynchronise your app details if, for example, youdelete the appand re-install it. Please emailinfo@appdeveloperstudio if you havefurther questions.
ASA Security 2.0.6
Instantly alert ASA Security with 1 touch. Add, receive local crimealerts
Express yourself as a Citizen to Ghana Audit Service throughCITIZENSEYE
Newman's Birds Southern Africa 1.52
Perfect companion for birding in southern Africa. Based on thebest-selling book
Sasol Birds for Beginners 1.0
Quick facts, photos and videos of 46 common southern African birds.
RNW Panic 4.0
RNW app connects Roshnee residents to RNW Control Room and fleet ofResponders.
Sasol Wildlife for Beginners 1.0
Quick facts, photos and videos of 46 southern African animals.
One2Many 4.0.9
The App connects clients to their security company's Control Room& Responders.
Sasol Young Explorer – Frogs 1.1.3
A beautiful, educational, multilingual app about southern Africa'sfrogs.
Kwanele 1.0.3
A data-free app providing support to people at risk of Gender-BasedViolence.
Secure Me SA 6.2.3
Gets help to your location from the nearest participating securitycompany.
Eyerus 1.0.23
Eyerus enables you to indicate how safe or unsafe you feel in yoursurroundings.
Official K53 Learner's Licence 1.0.0
License Practice Test for Motorcycles, Light and Heavy MotorVehicles
i-DENT-ify 1.0.3
Use artificial intelligence to create independent vehicle reportsfrom photos.
PT Alarms 1.1
An app for crime/medical emergencies with sms showingreal-timelocation.
Rookie 1.1.67
Sports app where users can view highlights from their matches
Securitrac Alert 1.0.5
Alerts | GPS Notification | Video and Voice | Central Monitoring|SMS | Automatic Call